“A message from the mayor” on COVID-19 (July 15th, 2022)


Today, on July 15th, 2022, Mayor Miyabara has released a message to the citizens of Kobayashi.

My name is Yoshihisa Miyabara and I am the mayor of this city.

With this message I wish to inform the citizens of Kobayashi about the current state of affairs with regard to COVID-19 and ask for your kind understanding and cooperation in implementing counter measures.

Currently, the numbers of people newly infected with the corona virus are exploding. In Kobayashi too, numbers are rising day after day. Last week in particular, numbers have been rising steadily and this trend is expected to continue.



When looking at last month’s the infection rate by age, we can see that more than half of the newly infected belong to the age group on “Under 10”, followed by people in their 30s and 40s.


As we are approaching the long weekend and the summer vacation, the infection trend in Miyazaki prefecture over the past two years, we usually see a further rise in infections after long weekends. Under these circumstances, the implementation of counter measures is of utmost importance.


In this regard I am asking the you to heed the following 

  • When returning home or going on a trip, we suggest you get yourself tested beforehand.
  • When feeling slight changes in your constitution, such as a sore throat, a runny nose, diarrhea etc. refrain from leaving the house and be sure to consult a physician.
  • When participating in an event, be sure to implement counter measures.
  • Please consider getting the COVID-19 vaccination.

Should infections continue to rise as they do, the effect this will have on the medical system and the economy are unfathomable. 

Households with infected members will experience effects such as being restricted from leaving the house when sick-nursing an infected relative or through the status of “close-contact-person”. People taking off from work will further affect workplaces.


総合政策部 地方創生課 国際化推進

宮崎県小林市細野300番地 小林市役所 本館3階

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