New bicycle regulations in Miyazaki prefecture
These ordinances are adopted by the prefecture to further safety when using a bicycle and are to be observed.
The new rules will come into effect on and after April 1, 2021
Who does it concern?
People who ride a bicycle within Miyazaki prefecture

(1) Join a bicycle insurance
This type of insurance will apply when you (fatally) injure someone in the context of riding your bicycle.
Who is required to insure his/her bicycle?
- People who ride a bicycle (20 years and above)
- Parents or legal guardians (If they have children under 20 who use a bicycle)
- People who ride a bicycle work-related
- People whose company is renting bicycles to customers (rental services, bike sharing etc.)
You can find a list of insurance companies that offer bicycle insurances on the website of Miyazaki prefecture.
(2) When riding a bicycle in road traffic, similar rules apply as when driving a car.

Stop at traffic lights

- In principle you are obligated to ride your bike on the roadway (the car lane).
- You are to ride your bicycle on the left side of the road.

- You must not ride your bicycle when intoxicated.

Turn on the bicycle light when it is dark.

Do not distract yourself by doing other things when riding your bicycle (listening to music, playing with your phone, holding an umbrella)

- One bicycle, one person.

When riding your bike in a group, make sure to stay form a line.

- (Especially) children should wear a helmet.
Be sure to…

- Wear a helmet!
- Be sure to check your bicycle for functionality before riding it.

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