Multilingual Consultation Information (External Links) 多言語 窓
Medical Consultations(医療相談)
Miyazaki Medical Navigator(みやざき医療ナビ)
The navigator is a search engine to find the nearest hospitals, dental clinics, pharmacies, and pediatric night time emergency call centers.
AMDA International Medical Information Center(AMDA国際医療情報センター)
Contact the following center to find the nearest medical institutions and receive consultation on the medical and the welfare system in Japan.
OUR ACTIVITIES (AMDA International Medical Information Center)
Available Languages and Opening Hours
電話番号:03-6233-9266 10:00AM-4:00PM
- English, Easy Japanese (Mon-Fri)
- Chinese (Tue/Thr)
- Korean (Mon)
- Thai (Tue)
- Spanish (Thr)
- Portuguese (Fri)
- Tagalog (Mon)
- Vietnamese (2nd and 4th Wed of every month)
Daily Life and Legal Consultations(生活・法律相談)
Miyazaki International Foundation(宮崎県国際交流協会)
The foundation presents information on events and activities in Miyazaki prefecture, seminars and workshops for local citizens and foreign residents. It also provides daily life guidance, a helpline and a medical handbook.
公益財団法人 宮崎県国際交流協会 トップページ(Japanese)
Miyazaki International Foundation top page(English)
公益財団法人 宮崎県国際交流協会 トップページ(Chinese)
公益財団法人 宮崎県国際交流協会 トップページ(Korean)
Contact information
Miyazaki International Foundation
9th Floor Carino Plaza Miyazaki
4-8-1 Tachibana-doori Higashi Miyazaki City
Miyazaki 880-0805
Available Languages and Opening Hours
English, Portuguese, Tagalog, Chinese and Korean (Tue-Sat) 10:00AM-7:00PM
The Japan Legal Support Center(法テラス)
The center offers information about Japan's legal system and counseling information for people who have problems concerning money, status of residence, or their work environment.
Legal Information for Foreign Nationals(外国人のみなさまへ) (English)
Available Languages and Opening Hours
電話番号:0570-078377 (Mon-Fri) 9:00AM-5:00PM
English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Nepali, Thai and Easy Japanese
Consultations for Labour Conditions(労働相談)
Labour Standards Advice Hotline (労働条件相談「ほっとライン」)
Free telephone consultations for foreign workers. The Labour Standards Advice Hotline can be reached via phone (toll-free number) and the following support: termination of employment contract, paid vacation, overwork, unpaid wage and unpaid overtime.
Available Languages and Opening Hours
電話番号:0120-811-610 (Mon-Fri) 5PM-10PM, (Sat, Sun & Holidays) 9AM-9PM
English, Chinese, Portguese, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Burmese, Nepali, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Cambodian and Mongolian
Human Rights Counseling for Foreigners(人権相談窓口)
Yorisoi Hotline (Helpline for Foreigners)(よりそいホットライン)
Free telephone consultation service for foreigners.
The Yorisoi Hotline can be reached via phone (toll-free number) and the following support: visa, nationality, family, work, everyday living, discrimination, domestic violence, confinement, or human trafficking.
Available Languages and Opening Hours
Free telephone consultation service for foreign languages and foreign people
Konsultasi telepon gratis untuk Bahasa asing dan orang asing
विदेशीहरूका लागि नि:शुल्क टेलिफोन परामर्श
Consulta gratuita por telefone aos estrangeiros
Consultas por teléfono gratuitas en idiomas extranjeros para extranjeros.
Libreng konsultasyon sa teleponong serbisyo para sa dayuhan
Tư vấn miễn phí cho người ngoại quốc. Đường dây nóng Yô-ri-sôi
For service in foreign languages, please press 2 after the initial guidance.
SNS consultation
よりそいホットライン -在日外国人のための無料電話相談(Facebookのサイト)
Available Languages and Opening Hours
- Every Friday 4PM-10PM: English, Vietnamese, Tagalog
- Every Sunday 4PM-10PM: English, Nepali
- 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month: Indonesian
The Ministry of Justice(法務省)
This web site provides information on human rights counseling offices for foreigners (Chinese, English, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Nepali, Indonesian, Thai and Tagalog). You can find each office's address, phone number and opening hours on the page.
Human Rights Counseling Offices for Foreigners
Available Languages and Opening Hours
電話番号:0570-090911 English (Mon-Fri) 9:00AM-5:00PM
Women Rights and DV Consultation 女性の権利とDV(家庭内暴力)相談
Miyazaki International Foundation(宮崎県国際交流協会)
The foundation can be reached via phone.
Contact information
Miyazaki International Foundation
9thFloor Carino Plaza Miyazaki
4-8-1 Tachibana-doori Higashi Miyazaki City
Miyazaki 880-0805
Available Languages and Opening Hours
English, Portuguese, Tagalog, Chinese and Korean (Tue-Sat) 10時分AM-7:00PM
Asian Women's Center(アジア女性センター)
The aim of the Asian Women's Center is to increase women and children's empowerment and human rights. This center provides free phone consultation for women who suffer from DV.
Available Languages and Opening Hours
- English and Japanese (Mon-Fri) 9:00AM-5:00PM
- Tagalog (2nd and 4th Monday of every month) 9:00AM-3:00PM, (Wed) 10:00AM-5:00PM, (Fri) 1:00PM-4:00PM
- Thai (3rd Thursday of every month) 10:00AM-4:00PM
- Chinese (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) 9:00AM-4:30PM
- Korean (4th Thursday of every month) 10:00AM-1:00PM
- Indonesian by appointment only
Other Useful Information For Foreigners(その他の情報)
Immigration Services Agency of Japan(出入国在留管理庁)
法務省 出入国在留管理庁では、入国、在留手続きなどの情報を提供しています
The Residency Management System (在留管理制度)
The Regional Immigration Bureau offers information regarding immigration and residence procedure.
Immigration Services Agency of Japan
Embassies and Consulates(大使館・領事館)
For inquiries in English, please contact
City of Kobayashi, Regional Revitalization Division
300 Hosono, Kobayashi-city, Miyazaki, Japan 886-8501
Phone (Domestic)
Phone (Intl.)
(+81) 984-23-1148
Send E-Mail to Kobayashi City Regional Revitalization Division
A speaker of English is generally available Monday-Friday from 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. Japan Standard Time. Please understand there may be times an English speaker is unavailable.
- このページについて、皆さまのご感想をお聞かせください。