New bicycle regulations in Miyazaki prefecture


These ordinances are adopted by the prefecture to further safety when using a bicycle and are to be observed.


The new rules will come into effect on and after April 1, 2021

Who does it concern?

People who ride a bicycle within Miyazaki prefecture


An illustration of a red bicycle next to a document about insurance

(1) Join a bicycle insurance

This type of insurance will apply when you (fatally) injure someone in the context of riding your bicycle.

Who is required to insure his/her bicycle?

  1. People who ride a bicycle (20 years and above)
  2. Parents or legal guardians (If they have children under 20 who use a bicycle)
  3. People who ride a bicycle work-related
  4. People whose company is renting bicycles to customers (rental services, bike sharing etc.)

You can find a list of insurance companies that offer bicycle insurances on the website of Miyazaki prefecture.

(2) When riding a bicycle in road traffic, similar rules apply as when driving a car.

An illustration of a boy on a bicycle trying to cross the street without a signal

Stop at traffic lights

An illustration of a man riding a bicycle on a bicycle path set up beside a roadway
  • In principle you are obligated to ride your bike on the roadway (the car lane).
  • You are to ride your bicycle on the left side of the road.
A illustration of a man riding a bicycle in a drunken state after drinking alcohol
  • You must not ride your bicycle when intoxicated.
An illustration of a boy riding a bicycle with lights on, safely riding down the street at night

Turn on the bicycle light when it is dark.

An illustration of a woman using a smartphone while riding a bicycle

Do not distract yourself by doing other things when riding your bicycle (listening to music, playing with your phone, holding an umbrella)

An illustration of two boys riding a bicycle and making noise
  • One bicycle, one person.
An illustration of people of various races riding bicycles in a line

When riding your bike in a group, make sure to stay form a line.

An illustration of a girl driving a child's bicycle with an auxiliary wheel
  • (Especially) children should wear a helmet.

Be sure to…

An illustration of a man wearing a streamlined helmet
  1. Wear a helmet!
  2. Be sure to check your bicycle for functionality before riding it.
An illustration of a mechanic man squatting on his side repairing a bicycle


総合政策部 地方創生課 国際化推進

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