Procedures for change in address and family composition


It is necessary to carry out procedures at the municipal office (Resident Affairs Division, Resident living Division in Suki Branch Office, Resident living Division in Nojiri Branch Office, or Kamiya Branch Office) when there is a change in the address or family composition which has been registered in the Resident Register. Since the term allowed for making each notification is set, you should try not to be late.

In principle it is the individual or the head of the family who should make an application at the municipal office. Basic procedures are explained below:

Moving-In Notification (tennyu todoke)

When to apply

When you move to an address in a municipality outside the one you live in, a moving-in notification (tennyu todoke) must be made within 14 days of moving address at the Kobayashi municipal office.

Who can make notification

  1. The individual or head of the family
  2. A proxy who has received a letter of proxy from the individual
  3. As a general rule, foreigners has to come to the municipal office

Required documents

Arrival in Japan from abroad

  1. The Residence Card of all members moving in
  2. If you did not receive the cards at an airport, please bring everyone's passports who will moving-in
  3. Moving-in notification (forms available at municipal office)

Moving-in from a different city

  1. The Residence Card of all members moving in
  2. Certificate of moving out (tenshutsu shomeisho)
    (issued by the municipal office of where you have lived until the present)
  3. Your family's Notification Cards, Individual Number Cards, Basic Resident Registration Cards
  4. Documents that can prove to the staff at the office the identity of the person making the notification (driver's license and Resident card)
  5. Moving-in notification (forms available at municipal office)

Moving-in notification of a special case (using the My Number Card or Basic Resident Register Card)

You are required to submit a moving-in notification within 14 days of living in Kobayashi City.

  1. You need to have the Moving-Out Certificate from your former municipal office
  2. The Residence Card of all members moving in
  3. Your family's Notification Cards and Basic Resident Registration Cards, OR Individual Number Cards
  4. Documents that can prove to the staff at the office the identity of the person making the notification(driver's license or residence card etc...)
  5. When a proxy is making the notification, a proxy's signature and a letter of proxy written by the individual
    (the person who has moved)

Moving-Out Notification (tenshutsu todoke)

When to apply

Before you move address, you go to the municipal office for where you live and make a moving-out notification (tenshutsu todoke). You can submit the notification a month prior to your moving.

 If you have the Individual Number Card or the Basic Resident Registration Card, you can bring the notification to the Resident Affairs Division Counter or you can mail it.

Who can make the notification

  1. The individual or head of the family
  2. A proxy who has received a letter of proxy from the individual
  3. As a general rule, foreigners has to come to the municipal office

Required documents

  1. Documents that can prove to the staff at the office the identity of the person making the notification
  2. The notificant's seal (Inkan) who will move out from Kobayashi
  3. When a proxy is making the notification, A letter of proxy written by the individual (the person who has moved out)
  4. When you move out, please bring your Seal Registration Certificate, National Health Insurance Certificate, and Long-Term Care Insurance Certificate.

Change of Address Notification (tenkyo todoke)

When to apply

When you move to a new address within the same municipality, you should make a change of address notification (tenkyo todoke) within 14 days from when you have moved.

Who can make notification

  1. The individual or head of the family
  2. A proxy who has received a letter of proxy from the individual
  3. As a general rule, foreigners has to come to the municipal office

Required documents

  1. Documents that can prove to the staff at the office the identity of the person making the notification
  2. The notificant's signature who will change address within Kobayashi
  3. When a proxy is making the notification, a letter of proxy written by the individual (the person who has moved out)
  4. When you change your address, please bring your family's Individual Number Card or Basic Resident
    Rgistration Card, National Pension Book, Identification Booklet for People with Disabilities, National Health Insurance Certificate, and Long-Term Care Insurance Certificate.
  5. Please bring your Notification Card

Change in family composition (setai-henko todoke)

When to apply

It is necessary to carry out procedures at the municipal office when there is change in a family composition within 14 days from when you have changed.

Who can make notification

  1. The individual or head of the family
  2. A proxy who has received a letter of proxy from the individual
  3. As a general rule, foreigners has to come to the municipal office

Required documents

  1. The Resident Cards or the Special Permanent Resident Certificate
  2. The individual or head of the family's seal (Inkan)
  3. When a proxy is making the notification, a proxy's signature and a letter of proxy written by the individual and a proxy's seal
  4. National Health Insurance Certificate
  5. The Late-Stage Medical Care System for the Elderly People

Where to make notifications

  • Resident Affairs Division in Kobayashi City Office 1st floor
  • Resident Living Division in Suki-Branch Office 1st floor
  • Resident Living Division in Nojiri-Branch Office 1st floor
  • Kamiya-Branch Office 1st floor

Reception desk hours

  • Monday~Wednesday, Friday: 8:30アンペアM-5:15PM
  • Thursday: 8:30アンペアM~7PM (Open only at Kobayashi City Office Resident Affiar Division)
  • Saturday, Sunday and national holidays are closed



総合政策部 地方創生課 国際化推進

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